Monday, May 21, 2012

 Following a series of unfortunate events  (revolving largely around equipment failure and lack of funds) which saw me shelving (temporarily) my photography dreams early this year, my perhaps-I-will-learn-a-bit-about-bookbinding-in-20-years-or-so plans became my maybe-I'll-give-it-a-go-now plans.
It's pretty good therapy.

 From choosing the 'tapes' and matching up with some buttons,

 to the methodical stitching together of the pages. Which is, in fact, sometimes incredibly frustating, but therapeutic all the same.

This book is filled with sketching paper that feels just lovely to touch. It's a largish book though and the length of thread required to stitch it all together made it a difficult length to work with. I'm going to give myself a break from all the knotted thread and the next few books I do will be smaller.

Disclaimer for any serious bookbinders who may come across this post: yes, I use the term 'bookbinding' very loosely.

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