Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Do you print your photos out and put them into albums? Playing around making this little mosaic is a huge reminder that I must do this!! I barely have one photo of Clary in an album.

I have *some* of Ruby's pictures in albums but not all, not by any stretch of the imagination. And the kids LOVE looking at the albums!!! I am surprised at how much they love doing this.
I put off doing it for so many reasons. One being that I want to find the perfect album, that won't cost me a bomb. Any recommendations??
Ruby's albums are cheap and nasty (Big W, slide in ones) and I want to replace those too.

1 comment:

  1. I used to be good at the whole album thing, but I've run out of bookshelf to keep them on. These day, some of my photos make it onto scrapbook layouts, occasionally one or two of Cheyenne make it into a cheapie album which is just hers, and even more rarely, the odd one gets printed out for the rellies, but sadly, most of mine remain stored inside my pc. (which reminds me, I should do backups more often)
