Tuesday, May 19, 2009

On to lunch

So we ended our visit to the library with free balloons (didn't I tell you the librarian is a gem) and Ruby informing her 'We are going to Jodys' shop for a special treat' (Jody lives across the road from us, she manages the cafe)
We ordered (our ham, cheese, and tomato toasted sandwiches and strawberry milshakes, very exotic, LOL), and then had to settle in and wait. Ruby periodically went up to the counter and called out 'Is my milkshake ready?' Suuuuuch a looong wait for her. But finally it came. Happy.
Clary, too, happy.

Little things can just make your whole day.
Like this.

And this. Although, honestly, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I found it. It's from a set of game pieces I got at the op shop, thought I might use them for scrapbooking or something. Was just flicking through them when I saw this, my mouth just fell open, I swear.

Oh dear.
I actually have more to say but it seems I just can't talk without pictures and blogger won't let me load anymore.


  1. Looks like a nice morning out. Owww to your toothache. I have a major fear of the dentist to! I love your CWA pinny. I hope you can convince Ruby to wear it :)

  2. I also have to get to a dentist sometime soon. Every time I brush my teeth I try to decide whether the gaping holes (which will require serious fillings) are any worse than they were last time I looked. Unfortunately, Steve seems to feel that the dentist is not very high on the priority list. He seems to think that fishing trips are a better use of his income. Guess I really need to get a job...
