Thursday, February 19, 2009

So I suck at blogging.

There. The most accurate post title I have ever come up with. I like to blog but sometimes the days just come and go and come and go, without there being even one little opportunity to type out some mindless (in the case of my blog) observations of my day. And sometimes there is a lot going on but my head becomes so full of 'stuff' that it is impossible to get it all out and on to the keyboard in an orderly and appropriate fashion. If you know what I mean.
Maybe there are other muddle heads out there who will understand.

Anyway I have sewed a couple of things. Yes it's, ahem, that bloody dress again. But I just wanted to show it so you could see what can be done with old clothes that don't fit you anymore. You can make them into clothes for your kids. This was a denim skirt from Witchery, found at the op shop.....................didn't quite fit me though. Even though I held onto it for a while hoping that, oh I don't know, maybe I would shrink in the rain or something. But eventually I saw the writing on the wall and chopped it up, turned it into this Ah, yeah, that's Clary. He wasn't real happy about this but I managed to buy him off with a couple of crackers. It's just that he was the right size for this dress.

Ruby just scored the skirt made from an old sheet that looks like..........................ah, a skirt made from an old sheet.
It's a tad long but I figure that by this time next year it'll be the perfect fit.
Clary ended up with these pants, purple corduroy on one side and the other side cut from a thrifted skirt. Not everyones' cup of tea I guess, but I like them. Mr Secondstitch refers to them as the 'snazzy pants'
Perfect for mowing the lawn as it turns out.

oh, I know it looks like I must not have used a pattern at all for Rubys' skirt but I did glance at this (free pattern)before I started. It's so simple you really don't need a pattern at all but if you're a bit of a numbnut like me it's always nice to have something there.
Other than that I am simply trying to get a little more organised in my house and my head, so that I can, ultimately, have more time to do things which I really want to be doing.
Ruby has settled into kindy really well, she is loving it. The first few days were a bit rough but then she just decided that absolutely everything about kindy is fantastic. And that's that. And she wants to get the bus there and back like a lot of the other kids do. But I don't know. Of course her Dad has told her 'yeah that's fantastic, yeah you can get the bus'
Yesterday I got a little package off the lovely Jody which unfortunately I haven't photographed yet. It's a very Valentine-y collection of ribbons, tags, pins (with heart toppers) and teeny weeny little heart embellishments. I love it. Thank you Jody, you are a sweetheart.
And just this, to be sure you are aware of the disgust he felt, forced into wearing a dress.

It's in the lips.


  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! You blogged!!
    Clary does look a bit pissed but the dress is just adorable (so is he!) I really love that pattern. I have a wicked stash of fabric that one day will be made into a variety of clothing and toys if I ever get my butt into gear.
    Glad you like your stuff and I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it.

  2. Yes, The lip says it all!I love that dress pattern whoever wears it. I remember when my oldest dressed her brother in a tutu, he wasn't thrilled either but wanted to please!

  3. The dress really is fantastic. It looks great in that material too. I love the educational value of Ruby's skirt too!
    Poor Clary. He may not be happy now, but you could always tell him he could make a great living out of being a model (and I'm sure he would, too!)

  4. Just noticed how many times I wrote "too"... sorry, having a braindead day today!
    *rolls eyes*

  5. Wow son's room is full of "good intentions when it comes to the outgrown clothing", but you have given me some hope that MAYBE one day I'll take action! Just need to learn to sew hehe..
    Poor wee fella hates having to model hey, but I'm sure will be a distant memory later, unless the pics resurface at his 21st!

  6. Hey, I just might steal that title. It seems I suck these days too.

    Oh and I adore the dress, great refashioning!
    And there is nothing wrong at all with boys in girls clothes. I would still be getting mister monster to try on my creations but he is getting too hard to catch and wrestle into the outfits.
