My posts are getting further and further apart, I know. I decided that I would set aside some time tonight to post and realised that, as blogger won't let me load more than five pictures at a time, I wouldn't be able to fit in all the photos that I wanted to. So I may do more than one post here, LOL.
It is raining here, second day of rain, seems to be setting in. It has been getting colder and I have been lighting the fire this last week. So toasty. The kids have been driving me a bit mad over the last few days. I have a bad toothache making me narky (well, narkier than normal) and I am making myself sick over it. I have the worst kind of dental phobia. It's been ten years since I saw a dentist. I think I need sedation to help me get there. I tried to ring for an appointment this afternoon (don't have one yet, the phone rang out, phew!) and just doing that..............I nearly passed out. Just ringing. Didn't even speak to anyone. Anyway. Enough of that.
So this morning, more rain, monster toothache..........what to do. Money is pretty tight here at the moment, as it is for lots of families. So I knew we really needed to stay home. But, ugh, really, look how bored my kids were
So I took $20 out of the goldie jar (that's the jar you throw your gold coins in to whenever you remember to, for a rainy day, I'm sure you're familiar with it) and decided to treat us to lunch at the local cafe.
But first, to drag the outing out a bit further, we hit the library.
I love our little library. Even though I do get really envious when we go away and see ALL THE ACTIVITES they have going in the bigger libraries, ours is still pretty good.
You can draw pictures, colour in, do puzzles, read books, and take home books videos and DVDs'.
But the best part, that money just cannot buy, is that the librarian is soooo nice. She doesn't get cross when we take our books back late (which is every single time), doesn't frown when the kids are noisy, and not even when Clary pulls books off the shelves and throws them on the floor. Maybe she curses under her breath, or complains about us when we're gone, but she doesn't do it while we're there.
Can't beat that.